Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hot Chocolate - The Childhood Way

OK, so I've been drinking Hot Chocolate using Swiss Miss Instant for years and years.

A couple of weeks ago, the Save-A-Lot in Radcliff had a sale on Nesquik. Nice little packages that have lots of chocolate in them. They were $.25 each. I bought 4 and now wish I had been greedy and taken all they had left.

The other night I was freezing and didn't want herbal tea or other hot beverage (I don't drink coffee or regular tea). My tubs of Nesquik just happened to be in my line of site and the light bulb went on. Hot Chocolate with real milk! Now, I did take a modern short cut and heated it in the Microwave, but man-oh-man! I thought I had gone back in time about 35 years.

The hot chocolate mix in the little envelopes are now delegated to when I am totally out of milk, unless I'm at my mom's where Swiss Miss moved in.

The AWESOME Cup of Hot Chocolate was taken by Barb Watson

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