I did it! And I didn't blow up the house. I canned 9 pints of turkey broth. It was a whole lot easier than I thought it might be. It was so rewarding to hear the lids ping when I set them on the towel. Next adventure? Either chili or pinto beans. I really want to do some soup and chicken, but the price hasn't been right yet.
Now that I've accomplished that goal for this week, I am seriously debating whether or not to satisfy my Beloved's sweet tooth. I have spaghetti for supper and I'm thinking of baking some cupcakes (I can't imagine why cupcakes would be the thought given some of the cooking blogs I read). He seriously loves cupcakes. The only dessert that is higher on his list of favorites is Snickerdoodles. He had some of those for Christmas, so he should be good for a few more weeks.
So, cupcakes it is. I would love to make from scratch, but I have several mixes that really need to be used before I get too far ahead of myself.
1 year ago